Sustainable travel: demand or supply?
using insights from behavioural science to help us close the intention-action gap in sustainable travel
London| 20 June 2023 | Milena S. Nikolova, PhD

Travel by B Corp research demonstrates that sustainable travel can increase satisfaction (experiential value).

Exploratory Study:

Goal: explore the effectiveness of supply-driven sustainability design by comparing the intention-action gap between three different groups embarking on the same leisure experience


  • Incorporating sustainability in the design will lead to improved footprint of the leisure experience
  • Incorporating sustainability in the design will not damage the quality of the leisure experience

The results: demand vs. supply


Incorporating sustainability in the design rather than relying on the right traveller choices improves the footprint of leisure experiences

Making sustainability the only, the default or the easiest option can lead to optimised sustainability performance without influencing market performance

Making it easy and appealing for travellers to be responsible closes the intention-action gap and can increase satisfaction (experiential value)

You can find a copy of Milena's slides here and background materials here

See the experiment details below: